Entries by thehaymanager


Cows Benefit from Shorter Forage

Cows are often deliberate in choosing what to eat. Specifically, a cow will tend to prefer shorter forage because it is easier to eat. However, much of the hay that cows are fed are much longer than they eat if left to their own devices. Importantly, shorter feed is not only less taxing to eat, but also easier to digest and provides better nutrition. For this reason, farmers should consider how to optimize feed for their cows.


Feeding Goats Tricker than Many Expect

For goats to remain healthy, it is important to provide them with quality food that they enjoy. It also is important to understand how goats digest food. As ruminants, goats have a four-compartment stomach designed for digesting browse or hay. Unlike many other grazing species, goats can readily digest cellulose, the fibrous part of plant material. They also prefer browse – such as brush, twigs and weeds – to tender grass.


Managing Your Cow Herd When the Temperature Drops

When it comes to managing your cow herd in the winter, nutrition, vaccinations and shelter are three of the most important considerations. The better these three issues are managed, the more productive you will find your cow herd when warm weather arrives again in the spring.

Is Forage to Blame for the Rise in Equine Obesity?

Today, approximately one in five horses in the United States is at risk from complications stemming from obesity. While multiple factors contribute to obesity in horses, the culprit at the heart of most of these factors is urbanization. Urbanization in horses has led to more confinement, less exercise and higher planes of nutrition.